Business Ethics
Caught with his hands in
the cookie jar: Money laundering expert cleans cash for unknown
Colombian nationals
Ethical Case
November of 2019, Bruce Bagley, professor of international relations at
University of Miami
- Venezualan public at large
- Venezualan government
- Colombian nationals, their
unknown constituents
- Bruce Bagley
- US Federal Government
- University of Miami students and
- Alex Saab
According to the
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Utilitarianism is the Moral Theory wherein
we should seek to have the consequences of our actions result in the greatest
good for the greatest number of individuals (Driver). It is also from the
consequentialist school, a type of moral theory that measures worth of action
on the consequences of that action, rather than any inherent principle in the
action, or moral measure of the action in itself. In the case of Bruce Bagley,
it seems that he was not acting in accordance with the tenets of
utilitarianism; his laundering of 3 million dollars takes away any potential
benefit that may have been generated by those funds had he not deemed it
permissible. It seems that Bagley was acting in his own self interest. We can
only compare the opportunity cost of him stealing and facilitating the transfer
of the money to how that money would have been used otherwise. To clarify, it
is a guarantee that if that money had not been stolen it would have gone to
food supplies for the Venezuelan people, resulting in widespread benefit for
the population. 3 million goes much further there than it does here. We can see
clearly a utilitarian would not have condoned Bagley’s actions, on the basis of
them resulting in less happiness than if he had refrained from acting. The
consequences of his actions were not, by any measure, maximizing the potential
benefit of the situation.
According to the
Business Ethics Case Manual, Kantianism is the most popular derivative of the
branch of moral philosophy known as deontology. Deontology focuses on the
morality of an action itself, rather than the consequences of that action
[Salazar]. This morality is determined by a set of rules or laws governing the
sorts of actions that are impermissible, permissible, and supererogatory. In
Kantianism, these rules come from Kant’s three formulations of what he calls
the categorical imperative. This set of rules is justified by the pursuit of
what Kant refers to as “the good will”, which can best be understood as the
need to treat reason (and the ability to reason) with respect; to allow each
rational free agent (read:healthy adult human) to act as if they have complete
control over their own destiny; such that they have autonomy. The formulations
are as follows: 1. Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same
time will that it should become a universal law. The second formulation of the
categorical imperative is more intuitive: “never treat a rational free agent as
a mere means, only ever as an end unto itself”. In layman's terms, this means
that we should seek to treat every other thinking person as someone capable of
leading themselves; we should never take advantage of a person in pursuit of
some other end. The third formulation follows from the previous two; we should
make laws that follow these guidelines, then choose to abide by those laws for
the benefit of society.
A Kantian would agree
with the utilitarian that Bagley’s actions were impermissible, but they would
do so on the basis of an entirely different perspective on the situation.
Rather than focusing on whether Bagley’s actions led to some positive or
negative impact on himself and others, they would focus on the principles of
the actions themselves. This means evaluating the motivation behind Bagley’s
actions, and determining whether he was in pursuit of the good will, and if his
actions abide by the categorical imperative. Stealing for self interest at the
expense of a whole country, lying about it, and seeking to cover up the
actions, does not pass the first formulation of the categorical imperative, and
clearly demonstrates that Bagley sought to use free agents as a mere means in
selfish pursuits. Having violated the first and second formulations, the
Kantian would conclude that Bagley was not acting ethically when he chose to
launder money for Alex Saab.
According to the
Business Ethics Case Manual, Individualism is the moral perspective that, when
in a business setting, any given company is obligated to maximize profit, and
gains for the owners, within the rules of the law. It is obligated to do so
because fair and equal competition leads to innovation and general benefit
across socioeconomic class. When analyzed from the individualist’s perspective,
Bagley’s actions were clearly impermissible. While he did seek profit for his
company, and therefore profit for the owners (him and his wife) he did so by
violating the law, and covering his actions up as best as possible. He acted
dishonestly, and therefore is in violation of the principles of individualism,
and his actions would be deemed impermissible.
Virtue Ethics
Virtue ethics in the
branch of moral philosophy that focuses on the character of an agent, and
whether the actions of an agent are indicative of someone embodying virtue.
Specifically, the theory focuses on achieving eudaimonia or flourishing, so
called because it is the state achieved by an agent who has properly weighed
each virtue and chosen to ask in the way that best suits the situation and the
individuals involved. For the purposes of analysis in business ethics, there
are 4 main virtues keep in mind while evaluating a scenario, and they are:
Courage, Temperance, Honesty, and Justice/fairness [Presentations].
Subjecting Bagley’s
circumstances and actions to the tenets of virtue theory, we can see that he
was clearly acting unethically. Stealing money from a worthwhile cause is as
far away from just as an action could be, and is clearly indicative of a lack
of temperance and self control. Stealing for the sake of personal benefit, and
being dishonest about it, violates the virtue of honest, and displays cowardice
in the face of confrontation. Given the facts of the case, it seems obvious
that a virtue theorist would condemn Bagley for his lack of ethical fortitude.
Justificated Ethics
When evaluating Bagley’s
case from a personal perspective, I feel obligated to subject the
circumstances to my own
general morally relevant ethical guidelines. Namely, 1. Act rationally,
seeking to treat other
people as if their experience is just as important, relevant, and beautiful as
our own and 2. Establish a doctrine of intense personal accountability, and
seek to act in order to avoid negative consequences for ourselves and others. I
chose these as guidelines because I feel they embody the collective sentiment
of both sides of the “moral theory” coin; Both the principles of our actions,
and the consequences of those actions, are relevant and valuable to the
judgement of the entire picture of an ethical dilemma. At the core of all of
the moral theories is the idea that any action can have a moral weight, and
lean towards a good or evil outcome. This goodness or evilness varies in both
basis and method of measure, but the core idea remains the same; that we should
act in a way that leads towards goodness.
Analyzing Bagley’s case
under my personal justificated system, we can see that his actions are not at
all morally permissible. He failed to treat the value of the money he stole as
if it were just as vital to the Venezuelen people as it was for him personally.
Rather than weigh the potential consequences of his actions against the
benefits of them, he chose to act in a self-interested manner, and it resulted
in his imprisonment, as well as suffering for untold numbers of hungry citizens
in South America. He sought out consequences that would lead to personal gain
and negative consequences for others, and showed no remorse for his actions,
showing that he lacks strong integrity or personal accountability, again
violating the tenets of my personal ethical theory. In all aspects, and
subjected to analysis from varying moral perspectives, Bagley acted in a
morally impermissible fashion, and should see consequences for it.
Action Plan
Bagley’s first moral
misstep came when he lied about his guilt after first getting caught.
Attempting to ride on reputation in the face of hard evidence made his
trustworthiness in the public forum fall through the floor. Bagley should have
come clean during his original indictment, and parlayed this confession into a
deal where he could help to catch his co-conspirators. Ideally, admitting to
laundering the money would have gotten him a lighter sentence and would have
allowed him to be an aid to law enforcement in catching the people whose money
he was actually laundering. From an external perspective, Bagley lied to
protect a corrupt businessman and to attempt to keep a sum of 300,000 dollars,
at the expense of a food supply project for the people of Venezuela. Faced with
this reality, the professor should have sought to create the greatest good for
the greatest number, take responsibility for his role, and reverse the
circumstances he helped to facilitate. As it stands, Bagley should continue
with his guilty plea, and seek to be held accountable for the crime he
commited. Being in the unique position of essentially being the only employee
of the guilty company, Bagley will most likely go to prison, and Bagley
Consultants will go out of business, but if by some stroke of luck he happened
to avoid prison, here is how the professor should reorient his business to
atone for the crime and adapt to the new circumstances:
Consultants, where we seek fair, honest, and fruitful solutions for all of our
clients international needs™” (they didn’t have a mission
statement, or even a website, so I’m hoping international needs covers the sort
of work the company claimed to do)
This mission statement
covers the basics of what Bagley Consultants should seek to represent itself as
following Bruce’s transgressions. The company should seek to remain fair to all
parties involved in a negotiation, they should be truthful in the manner in
which they conduct business, and they should seek profitable, beneficial
solutions for the parties involved. In addition, Bagley consultants should seek
to maintain meticulous personal accountability and integrity. Having been
caught with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar, the Professor should take as
many extra measures as possible to catalog his financial and business related
dealings, and allow public access to them for any party that may have a vested
interest in them. This includes potential clients, government officials,
potential employers, any party that might have reason to be distrusting of the
tactics Bagley has demonstrated over the course of the money laundering case.
Employing this strategy will force Bagley to be completely honest and
transparent about any of his methodology, as well as the services he provides,
and will lead to increased levels of trust over time if he continues to operate
within the law. This can be done through maintaining records of accounts and
transactions, notes on meetings, any sort of information catalog that could be
referenced if necessary. This sort of accountability would allow for some
latitude in Bagley’s decision making and general actions, while keeping him aware
of the circumstances he created.
In addition to assisting
law enforcement in catching co-conspirators and reorganizing his business’s
operational structure, Bagley should make a sincere and public apology to the
people of Venezuela for his role in their ongoing battle with corruption. Doing
this, as well as making a statement about the other actions he’s taking as a
result of his conviction, would demonstrate how he’s seen the error of his ways
and is seeking to both right his wrongs and perform better in the future. This
attitude of honesty and humility should extend into whatever hiring, firing, or
promotional methodology Bagley uses going forward; he should let employees know
clearly and upfront how business is conducted, and why its being tracked and cataloged
the way it is. He needs to make it clear through any sort of marketing or media
material that he is aware of his mistakes and is working to reverse their
Having a history as one
of the world’s foremost experts in Central and South American business and
politics should afford Bagley plenty of future opportunities to perform his
services under similar circumstances to the ones he must have found himself in
when he first met with Alex Saab. What matters most going forward is how he
alters his posture towards these sorts of situations, and that is best served
by shifting his perspective and methods to be more focused on accountability
and honesty, rather than personal profit. If he seeks the most benefit for his
clients within this new moral structure, this attitude towards his work
will in turn lead to increased opportunities.
Joshuah Service
Works Cited
Driver, Julia. “The
History of Utilitarianism.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,
Stanford University, 22 Sept. 2014,
Farzan, Antonia. “He Was
the Go-to Expert on Money Laundering. Now He's Been Charged with Laundering
Money.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 19 Nov. 2019,
Gold, Michael.
“Professor Who Is Corruption Expert Accused of Laundering $2.5 Million.” The
New York Times, The New York Times, 18 Nov. 2019,
Romo, Vanessa. “U.S.
Arrests Money-Laundering Expert For Laundering Money.” NPR, NPR, 19 Nov.
Russell, Ty. “'I'm
Feeling Fine. Not Guilty': UM Professor Bruce Bagley, Who Wrote Book On Drug
Crime, Accused Of Money Laundering.” CBS Miami, CBS Miami, 18 Nov. 2019,
Salazar, The Business
Ethics Case Manual
Salazar, In class
Sky. “International
Money Laundering Expert Arrested for Money Laundering.” Sky News, Sky,
19 Nov. 2019,
“University of Miami.” Bruce
Bagley, 22 Feb. 2020,
Weaver, Jay. “UM
Professor Plans to Plead Guilty to Money Laundering, New York Court Records
Show.” Miamiherald, Miami Herald, 12 Mar. 2020,
York, Associated Press
in New. “Professor Who Is Expert on Corruption Charged with Laundering Money.” The
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