23andMe Sharing Customer's Data With Other Companies? (2015, 2017, 2018)
The Case

23andMe is under a lot of scrutiny since recent partnerships
were made with outside medical companies.
As 23andMe has over 5 million customers, that means 5 million people’s
genes the company has stored in their database. Once you send in your saliva, the company has
your DNA and the information that comes with that forever. 23andMe has been
partnering and making deals with outside research companies, essentially
selling access to their database which is full of customer’s data. This
concerns customers, and they feel their personal information is being exploited
while 23andMe is making a profit.
One of the most significant deals 23andMe made, was with the
company Glaxio Smith Kline (GSK) in June of 2018. This was a 4 year deal in exchange
for a $300 million dollar stake in 23andMe. Glaxio Smith Kline is a
pharmaceutical medication, vaccine, and healthcare manufacturer. With this
partnership, 23andMe has given access to GSK to use their database for their own pharmaceutical and medical
Similarly, another partnership made was with the company
Pfizer in January of 2015. Pfizer’s goals are to strengthen the public
healthcare system globally, especially in underprivileged parts of the world.
Pfizer also was given access to see 23andMe’s data in hopes to advance their
Lastly, a public deal 23andMe made was with a second pharmaceutical
company called Lundbeck in 2017.
Lundbeck focuses all of their efforts into making medications for
psychiatric and neurological disorders such as depression and bipolar diseases.
These two alone, impact 16 million people in the United States. Lundbeck has also
been granted by 23andMe access to their customer’s genetic information.
For each of these companies partnered with 23andMe, the
access to this much data is something that these companies would never have had
access to. Haydeh Payami, from the New
York State Department of Health admitted, “What 23andMe did in a matter of
years, would have taken several decades and tens of millions of dollars if done
conventionally.” This exhibits 23andMe’s
motives behind making these deals, but customers are still feeling violated of their privacy. There is an online statement regarding all company
required agreements, that every customer must digitally agree to, which at the end
includes a check box granting 23andMe permission to use one's information in outside studies. When reading the statement, which arguably most people don’t, the box
is already checked off saying you will agree, but you are able to uncheck the
box. Inlcuded in this statement is informing csutomers that if at any point if someone feels
their data is unsafe, they can easily access their online 23andMe account and
“opt out” of the research.

As there are two sides to every story, there is discussion
as to whether what 23andMe is doing is ethical or not. Customers feel violated,
and 23andMe feels they are benefiting the world of heath.
Customer’s permission seems to be deceiving, but it is accessible to everybody. Individualism, Utilitarianism, Kantianism,
and the Virtue Theory will analyze whether 23andMe is acting "right" or "wrong".
Based on individualistic beliefs, an individualist simply focus on the
individual, and in some cases the company can be that individual. It is important that whatever matters to the company, matters to
only them and the owners of the company. It is essential to maximize profits,
and make sure those profits go directly back to the company. 23andMe charges a
significant amount for their kit, and is making deals with other companies in
exchange for money. They are surely profiting as shown in the deal made with
GSK for $300 million, especially as they become more popular. They profit as a company every
time they partner with companies. An individualist would consider these actions
as indeed focusing on themselves while making money, therefore acting ethical within
individualistic terms.
From a Utilitarian perspective, 23andMe is responsible for
causing different stakeholders’ happiness and unhappiness. A Utilitarian is
concerned with happiness, and keeping everybody happy both in and out of the company. The reason for 23andMe’s partnerships are for
the greater good of the medical industry.
They know they have more genetic data that any of these companies
possibly can ever get their hands on, and they’re using it to improve research.
This is being done to create medicines and solutions to heal people with
thousands of diseases…making people happy. 23andMe is also happy, as they are
following their mission statement which mentions people having the chance to
“benefit from human genome.” Companies who work with 23andMe are happy as their
research abilities are being accelerated. Negatively, is how customers feel.
They feel deceived when they hear about 23andMe’s deals. The data they trusted
the company with is being what seems like handed out. Overall, the pros
outweigh the cons according to the utilitarian stance on the topic, making one
agree that what 23andMe is doing is ethical. Utilitarians would only then
recommend that something would be done about how customers are upset.
According to a Kantian, 23andMe’s actions would be deemed
ethical. To a Kantian, there are basic principles which start with rationality.
Every decision should be treated rationally, and making sure others make
rational decisions as well. After that, essentially respecting each other and
being motivated by Good Will are the values Kantians follow. Considering the actions of 23andMe,
everything they do is rational. They have an entire honest privacy statement on
their website for any concerned customer who takes the time to look. Their
decisions are to work with legitimate medical companies with all intentions to
make a difference. Nothing done by
23andMe has been irrational. They openly respect customers as they can opt out
of the studies at any time. Most importantly, they act upon Good Will. They have
their separate and unrelated business, but chose to enlist their data into
something bigger to make a bigger difference.
Using the Formula of Humanity, 23andMe must act in a way that they treat
humanity for yourself or others at anytime; and they do that. Yes, they do
benefit financially out of collaborating, but its to benefit all ends of the
Virtue Theory

Action Plan
This is a controversy that is creating bad publicity for a
company which is, according to all four above ethical theories, deemed as
ethical. Looking ahead for the
organization, steps can be made to create a more positive image for the
company, while ensuring the comfort in existing and future customers in
trusting 23andMe with their genetic data.
To start, 23andMe needs to increase their methods of
honesty. Beginning by giving a statement with more information to everybody
about their current and future inputs into research. A lot of the upset
customers don’t get the opportunity to be upset about where their information
is going, they’re too upset that they did not know that their information was ever
leaving. 23andMe needs to make a statement to all the confused customers
describing the safe companies which have access to the database, and what their
intentions are. The next step, similarly, is to be sure that every new customer
is aware of their options before they even take that first step in spitting in
the test-tube. It is important that not only they know, but it is marketed in
an exciting way. Many people would be happy to support the research 23andMe is
collaborating with. It just needs to be expressed in an exciting way, telling
them that this is an opportunity to help society by including oneself into the
studies, as it can be in the long run. In order to ensure a new customer is aware,
23andMe needs to not hide the permission box at the end of a long agreement form.
Implementing a physical paper flyer into the kit so that this form must be seen
during a customers most interested point, while receiving the kit. This can be
a perfect way to get that information across.
With this new marketing plan, the Mission Statement needs
some tweaking. Currently it states, “To help people access, understand and
benefit from the human genome.” To
include the excitement and opportunity piece about enrolling that data into
medical research, not only is more honest, but it could entice people more!
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