Cancer Chemicals
in Johnson & Johnson Baby Shampoo (2009)
on the Paper: “Johnson & Johnson”
By: Kelsey Dawson
By: Nicole Daly

Johnson & Johnson was
established in 1886 by three brothers Robert Wood Johnson, James Wood Johnson,
and Edward Mead Johnson. They are an
American based multinational company that works with pharmaceuticals, medical devices,
and consumer-packaged goods. Johnson
& Johnson is one of the highest grossing and most trusted, well respected
names in the surgical and sanitary world.
Their headquarters is located in New Brunswick, NJ and they have over
250 companies in sixty countries. Johnson
& Johnson employs more than 118,000 people and are the most diverse medical
devices and diagnostics company. In 2009,
The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics discovered that Johnson & Johnson
manufactured their baby products with the ingredients quaternion-15 and 1,
4-dioxane, which releases formaldehyde.
Formaldehyde in high levels is known to cause cancer. Johnson & Johnson failed to respect their
customers by not informing them about the new, hazardous chemicals being put in
their products. Not only did Johnson
& Johnson lose many of their customers, they also tarnished their
reputation for the long term and may not be able to gain full respect back.
which comes from Milton Friedman’s economic theory, deals with maximizing
profits for your company. A company
should forever be improving and increasing while obeying the laws. These laws include both the company laws and government
enforced laws. Generally, individualism
fails because it does not take into account stakeholder happiness. Johnson & Johnson put off the Campaign for
Safe Cosmetics request to remove the hazardous chemicals in their products for
years. Finally, in 2011, they began
making some changes, but the consequences were already in effect. Campaign for Safe Cosmetics protested and urged
customers to be weary when making their purchases. Individualism, for Johnson & Johnson,
worked for the short term. They were
able to maximize profits with cheaper products with tainted chemicals, but for
the long run, Johnson & Johnson struggled.
After consumers found out that their products could possibly cause cancer,
they distrusted the Johnson & Johnson name.
Profits declined and their reputation was tarnished.
theory of Utilitarianism deals with everyone’s overall happiness. This overall happiness extends to all
stakeholders involved. It states that
one person’s happiness is no different than another’s, and therefore, it must
be considered when making business decisions.
In the Johnson & Johnson case, the company failed to consider their
customers happiness. They were not
looking out for their best interest, and they didn’t consider the potential health
risks for their customers. Not only are
the children and babies using the products being put in harms way, but the
caring parents are second guessing what products to purchase. These chemicals are severely dangerous to children. None of this leads to stakeholder happiness
short or long term. Utilitarianism says
that Johnson & Johnson are doing the exact opposite to make customers happy
by intentionally putting hazardous chemicals in products and not informing
their customers.
is an ethical theory that deals with acting reasonably and respecting
customers. Fairness and rational
business are valued in Kantianism. Johnson
& Johnson acted in a selfish, controlling, deceitful way when adding cancer
causing chemicals to their products. Not
only is that a problem under Kantianism, but then not informing customers of
these chemicals is also an issue. The products
are not labeled with this information and at no point did Johnson & Johnson
try to bring their customers up to date.
Kantianism would want Johnson & Johnson to report the use of these
chemicals through different medias of communication and in the process be phasing
out the chemicals.
virtue theory of business ethics deals with creating positive characteristics
for a company. Courage, honesty, control,
and justice are significant to seeing the virtue theory through in a company. These characteristic should be emphasized
throughout the company. Johnson &
Johnson failed to comply with the virtue theory in every aspect. They did not take responsibility for their
products because if they did, they would have informed their customers of the
chemicals. Also, the chemicals should
not have been put in the products to begin with. Johnson & Johnson should have known better
and in the process, had to ask their employees to act unethically when putting
in the chemicals. Whether they wanted to
or not, it is not ethical to ask them to do that. Johnson & Johnson disregarded all aspects
of the virtue theory.
on the Paper: “Johnson & Johnson”
By: Kelsey Dawson
“Johnson & Johnson Baby Shampoo.” The
Huffington Post., 11 Jan. 2011. Web. 15 Apr. 2012.
Press. “Johnson and Johnson Starts Removing Toxins from Baby Products.” USA Today. Gannett. Web. 16 Apr. 2012. <>.
Jardins, Joseph. (2009). An Indroduction to Business Ethics (Ed. 4) New York,
NY : The McGraw-Hill Companies,
& Johnson Answers Criticism and Concern about IIngredients in Its Baby
Products.” The Star-Ledger. Web. 16 Apr. 2012.
& Johns on
Baby Shampoo Still Contains Cancer-Causing Chemicals: Report.” International Business Times. Web. 16 Apr. 2012.
Linda A. “Groups Push J&J on Baby Shampoo Chemicals.” Yahoo! News. Yahoo!, 1 Nov. 2011. Web.
23 Apr. 2012. <>.
Salazar. Slideshow notes. Does Business Ethics make Economic Sense?
Salazar. Slideshow notes. Utilitarianism and Business Ethics.
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