Summary by Mayara Jordani
Steve Madden Ltd. is an American Shoe company that has
become very famous over the past decade. It was founded in 1990 by Steve Madden
and their goal was to design and sell women’s, men’s and children’s footwear in
different countries including Asia, Canada, Europe, the Middle East and
Australia. Steve Madden faced a difficult situation in 2009 and 2010 in getting
their revenues up to high numbers. In 2009 and 2010, Steve Madden Ltd. had had
a negative cash flow. However in 2011 the company was able to increase their
numbers positively to an income of $36,679 thousand.
In 2009, Steve Madden was sued by French Couture House
Balenciaga’s Lego shoe and Alexander McQueen’s ‘faithful’ bootie for creating
similar versions of their shoes, however at a more affordable price. However,
the rights to copying a designer’s clothing or shoe style are unclear in
today’s market. Even though these rights are unclear, it does not mean that
Steve Madden did not violate ethical standards. Under the Individualism theory and part of the Utilitarian theory, Steve Madden Ltd. did nothing wrong. However, under the Kantianism theory, Virtue theory and part of the Utilitarian theory, Steve Madden Ltd. acted unethical.
The Utilitarian Theory states that we must act in order to maximize the overall good to the greatest amount of people. The stakeholders in this situation were Steve Madden Ltd., its customers, Steve Madden, French Couture House Balenciaga and Alexander McQueen. Steve Madden and Steve Madden Ltd. were able to bring happiness to themselves and their customers by creating a similar shoe for a very low price when compared to the original. By doing his, Steve Madden Ltd. was able to bring happiness to the company in the money earned from the shoe sales. However, this did not being happiness to French Couture House Balenciaga and Alexander McQueen. French Couture House Balenciaga and Alexander McQueen were not happy with the businesses’ decision to create a cheaper version of their shoes and market them as their own. In doing so, they filed a law suit against Steve Madden Ltd. From the view point of Steve Madden Ltd. and its customers, the company did not act unethically because they are bringing happiness to them. However, in the stylist’s viewpoint, the company was acting unethically.

According to the four ethical theories described above,
Steve Madden Ltd. acted unethical in their work and to their stakeholders.
These analyses and
facts are based upon the original paper by Alyssa Chamberlain entitled
"Steven Madden a copycat?" (Apr. 23, 2012).
Desjardins, Joseph. (2009). An Introduction to Business Ethics
(Ed: 4). New York, NY:
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Gargis, Brittany. Social
Issues…Knock offs. UnEthical or Ethical? October 26, 2011.
(accessed April 11, 2012)
Ltd., Steve Madden. About
Steve Madden. 2012.
(accessed April 11, 2012)
Roth, Tanya. Lego My
Shoe Design: Balenciaga Sues Steve Madden.
(accessed April 11, 2012)
Yahoo! Finance. (accessed
April 6, 2012)
Yahoo! Finance.
(accessed April 6, 2012)
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