Case Description
In April of 2018 T-Mobile (the nation’s third largest mobile
telecommunications company) announced its planes to merge with Sprint (the
fourth largest mobile telecommunications company) to create one large company
under the T-Mobile name. The deal would cost around $26.5 billion and would
result in T-Mobile owning 19.9% of the industry with over 100 million users.
T-Mobile is claiming that if the merger does go through then they will have
more resources to create the nation’s first 5G network.

On the 8th of March T-Mobile released a filing stating how
they plan to give in home WIFI to many rural and lower income homes. Which has
caused a pause in the FCC’s investigation. As of late March 2019, the review is
still ongoing and no decision has been released by the FCC.
Stakeholders of this case include the employees and
customers of both T-Mobile and Sprint. However, some of the other people
affected include other large mobile carriers in the United States (Verizon and
AT&T) and their users as well as cable Internet providers. A case that
seems as centralized like this merger proves that depending on the outcome
could have either a negative or positive impact on the population as a
Individualism states that the main goal for all businesses
should be to maximize profit and share-holder wealth by any means necessary as
long as it is compliant with the law. In this case one needs to ask two
questions: would merging T-Mobile and Sprint maximize profit and is the merger
legal. The merger is projected to not only save Sprint, but also give T-Mobile
more resources to compete with the other firms in the industry. The legality
factor of the deal is what the FCC is reviewing. They are seeing if deal will
lead to increase in prices and if will lead to a significant loss in
competitiveness and also if it abridges the laws set by the Antitrust acts. However,
since T-Mobile has followed all of the proper legal steps under individualism
this case as ethical.

Emanuel Kant is the creator of kantianism which is an
ethical theory that relies on the formula of humanity (treat people as ends and
not mere means) to justify ethicality. Under kantianism T-Mobile would be seen
as acting unethically. This is due to the fact that T-Mobile most likely does
not care about the betterment and well being of its customers. The merger is
just a way that the company can eliminate competition and increase profits,
which under the formula of humanity is using people as mere means rather than
an end. kantianism also uses the topic of goodwill in judging decisions as
ethical or not. As stated, before T-Mobile has no intention in merging with
Sprint on the bases of the action being, “right because it is right.”
(Salazar). The motivation of the deal was to profit; this is another reason why
under kantianism the merger would be seen as being unethical.
Virtue Theory
Virtue Theory judges a cases ethicality based on the four
virtues: courage, honesty, temperance, and justice/fairness. When applying
these four virtues to the T-Mobile Sprint case one can find to see if the
action is in fact ethical. The virtue of courage does not apply to this case
very much. The fact that T-Mobile did not act courageously is not a good or bad
thing and one cannot use it against the company when analyzing this case. The
second virtue is honesty, in this case T-Mobile has been honest about the whole
deal. The company went to the government and followed all of the correct
processes as well as being fairly transparent and open about the deal to the
public. Temperance or self-control is the next virtue this is another trait
that does not apply for this case due to the fact that the company has been
trying to get this merger for a few years and they have to wait for the FCC’s
investigation before the deal goes through. The final virtue is justice. As
stated before, T-Mobile has followed all of the correct processes when a large
company merger like this one is involved. Therefore, under virtue theory
T-Mobile has acted ethically because they were honest about the deal as well
comply with the justice virtue and the other two virtues did not apply to this
Justified Ethics Evaluation
According to all of the ethical theories the T-Mobile Sprint merger is seen as ethical by most of them. The ethicality of the case is ultimately dependent on how the company acts after the deal is passed. If T-Mobile continues without raising prices and keeping many of the jobs then they will be acting ethically. If they do not follow these guidelines then not only will they have lied to the general public, but they will also have acted incredibly unethically. As far as the mere suggestion of the merger and process the company has taken to get the deal passed they have acted responsibly.
Action Plan
main problem facing T-Mobile at the moment in regard to the merger with Sprint
has to be the investigation being conducted by the FCC. The last time T-Mobile
tried to merge with Sprint they were denied due to the decrease in competition
among mobile carriers. This was feared to lead to an increase in prices and
offer less options for consumers as well as the potential of significant job
loss. T-Mobile’s main goal should be to convince the FCC that the deal will not
lead to an increase in prices and job loss. The company can achieve this goal
by doing a few different things. First to address the problem of job loss they
can release a plan for what they are planning on doing in terms of store and
office redistribution this could prove to the government that the deal will not
have a significant increase in job loss. The next step is to prove that
T-Mobile will not increase its prices once the deal is completed. They have
tried doing this already by promising not to increase prices for the first few
years after the deal has been passed, but this has caused some more issues
because the release of this statement has led for the public to believe that
prices will eventually be increased. An alternative plan that they can do is have
deals where customers of Sprint can keep their own plan or upgrade to a better
plan for a reduced cost. Alongside this the company could also offer deals for
people who are willing to switch to the new T-Mobile where they have access to
the larger carrier at the same low price that everyone is used to.
Bryan Ferreira
Justified Ethics Evaluation
According to all of the ethical theories the T-Mobile Sprint merger is seen as ethical by most of them. The ethicality of the case is ultimately dependent on how the company acts after the deal is passed. If T-Mobile continues without raising prices and keeping many of the jobs then they will be acting ethically. If they do not follow these guidelines then not only will they have lied to the general public, but they will also have acted incredibly unethically. As far as the mere suggestion of the merger and process the company has taken to get the deal passed they have acted responsibly.
Action Plan

Bryan Ferreira
Drew. “T-Mobile's Sprint Takeover Comes Under New Attack.” The Wall
Street Journal, Dow Jones & Company, 13 Feb. 2019,
Drew, and Kate O’Keeffe. “T-Mobile Takeover of Sprint Clears U.S. National
Security Panel.” The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones & Company,
18 Dec. 2018,
Fung, Brian.
“T-Mobile Tells Congress Its Merger with Sprint Will Help It Challenge Cable
Companies.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 13 Feb. 2019,
Hoffman, Evan.
“IBISWorld Industry Report 51721 Wireless Telecommunication Carriers in the
US.” IBISWorld, December 2018,
Merced, Michael
J. De La, and Cecilia Kang. “Sprint and T-Mobile to Merge, in Bid to Remake
Wireless Market.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 29 Apr.
Shields, Todd,
and David McLaughlin. “T-Mobile’s Late-Game Filing Could Be a Bad Sign for Sprint
Deal.”, Bloomberg, 8 Mar. 2019,
Heather. “Class Notes.” February 2019.
“The Antitrust
Laws.” Federal Trade Commission, 15 Dec. 2017,
“T-Mobile Mission, Vision & Values.” Comparably,
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